Compatible Chinese Zodiac Signs do not rely on “luck”, even though the Orientals are extraordinarily superstitious and great believers in chance and fortune. Love and sex, not necessarily the same thing, is life's constant occupation, often conducted subconsciously as we pursue our "daily bread". However, when Cupid strikes, everything else becomes secondary (even the desire to eat). Someone looking wan and pale is often in the clutches of a desire that supersedes all other biological and physical requirements. Love has found them! Like art, most of us are not able to define it, but we know it when we see it (or feel it).
Compatibility (and incompatibility) are "hard-wired" into the brain. More than that, the evidence can be found in our chromosomes and genes. Research has revealed that the genetic structures that trigger sex development are determined by an initial positive or negative (yin/yang) charge at conception. And, this process will continue throughout our psycho-sexual (sometimes life-long) search for our missing compliment.
The immutable laws of the universe, from the infinite macro to the infinite micro, include our own spiritual, psychological, and biological processes and natures. The boundless and unimaginable cosmos is governed by forces that are unbreakable and unalterable. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, although, humans rarely choose that route, and knowing the "right" and "wrong" and the "good" and "bad", we more often than not take the negative approach. This "free will" gives us the opportunity to make mistakes, which is not necessarily bad (if we can learn from them and improve our judgments).
Continuing to sample forbidden fruit, and traveling the familiar, beaten paths that lead to disappointment, failure, and broken hearts, while masking our true selves with Voodoo, Hoodoo, booze, drugs, self-help, pheromones, Botox, expensive perfumes, designer clothes, and cheesy pick-up techniques, will always leave us the morning after, gazing at the disheveled image in the mirror with its customary hang-over, saying, "What the hell are you doing?". The physical urges may be satisfied for the moment, but a persistent, underlying hunger remains.
The human heart operates high above the world of science, genetics, and physical sensation. The soul and spirit connect to a realm with laws even more absolute than science. The concept of marriage, as a sacrament, is man's only understanding of God's divine plan for the union that our spirits are continually striving for. There is a "One", but it is and always will be plural. In fact, it is THREE - a positive, a negative, and a "Ghost" that binds them together. This is the mystery of God, and of particle physics, that will never be revealed to mortal mind.
Science is forever splitting particles of physics into simpler and simpler components hoping to find the "God Particle" that cannot be divided, that holds all matter together - that is "exsistence" itself. Theirs is a hopeless task. However much smaller their world grows with each new "split", there will always be another Matryoshka doll inside.
Sexual astrology is a form of romantic quantum physics. Within Yang there is a center of Yin, and vice-versa. Compatible Chinese zodiac signs can help us understand and acquire the missing energies that we all have in our lives. Journey with us on the quest for "wholeness" and the necessary balances that can only be possible by loving the proper stranger.
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